Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Crossroads (Jujiro). 1928. Directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa.


I enjoyed this film very much, but a few days later I couldn't remember my impressions of it. It is very much of a deliberate "art film" (in the sense of Coeur Fidele and L'Inhumaine). It is slow and deliberate with a lot of footage of objects. The performers also act in a very slow, deliberate fashion. I had trouble with this atfirst, but I found myself settling into the film's rhythm.

It is a strory of a young man with a crush on a popular woman. She has many admirers, but also a mate (or so it seems). They play a trick on the young man, leading him to believe that he has killed the woman's lover. It is the same situation which occurs in Little Fugitive, but with much more disastrous consequences.

I would very much like to see this film again so that I could note my reactions in more detail. I doubt if that is likely to happen any time soon, though. I was very impressed with it even though my memory fails me.

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